Online Hotel Booking Portal Information: |
Login, Signup and forgot password recovery for client and hotelier, login for admin. | |||||
Hotelier and client can renewal membership. | |||||
Signup, manage profile, add hotel facilities are for hotelier (hotel agent). | |||||
Rate Calendar, Bulk Rating, manage hotel details (rooms, videos, hotel profile), invoice and booking facilities are for hotelier. | |||||
Specify up to different seasons with different room rates for each season. You can also specify different rates during each week; | |||||
Specify a special discount or surcharge for a specific period. | |||||
Check room availability and automatically update Hotel Reservation’s reservation table as rooms are booked; | |||||
Book room and check status facilities are provided to client. | |||||
Charge per room or per person; | |||||
Have a multi-currency display for total cost of bookings; | |||||
Payment gateway Integration. | |||||
Invoice generation for membership (new/renewal) and booking for client and hotelier. | |||||
Online Hotel Booking Portal loads itself into the visitors browser so works much faster than systems that constantly pass data back and forth over the Internet. | |||||
Stats will be maintained for hotels (means details like no. of visits, No. of bookings, etc.). | |||||
Client can watch hotel videos and can predict facilities provide by hotel. | |||||
Reports will be generated per monthly. Reports will be generated for booking per client, booking per hotel, membership list, no of booking confirmed and cancelled, hotel registration, hot destination and advertisement per month. | |||||
Member End : | |||||
Hotel Booking Portal is a web based system.It must get input from users to carry out different tasks. |
There are mainly four different user task in this system divided as follows: |
Administrator | |||||
Hotelier | |||||
Client | |||||
Guest | |||||
The four interface start off with a login module where the users can login using their username and passwords. The system gets these inputs by using user entry interface. User interface elements for a Guest must be easy to understand. Part of user interface must be well-organized on screen and the parts must be concatenated right. When users look at the interface, they understand which pane is used for which purpose. Each task of an interface must be specified clearly and users must use them correctly. For example, when users press to any button on interface, they must know which operations are done by pressing this button. This is very essential because the tests are heavily constrained by time and if the User Interface design is not attractive and easy to use. The user interface must be easy to learn especially for the administrator, hotelier, clients, and guest. When users use the user interface, they must know which element is used to which operations. We must teach using of the user interface to the clients simply. If it is hard to learn, then the clients will not prefer to use the system. |
There are several benefits of the Hotel Booking Portal: |
It acts as an interface between client and hotelier. | |||||
It provides many types searching facilities. | |||||
User Friendly Platform | |||||
Easy booking process for client. | |||||
Less time consuming. | |||||
It provides platform of business for hotelier. | |||||
Increase hotel facility and hotel information awareness. | |||||
Better choices for client. | |||||
Process Improvement. | |||||
Increase work efficiency and productivity | |||||
Solving client’s problems by using feedback and guestbook. | |||||
Solving client’s complain using report abuse and complains. | |||||
Provide different services for clients and hoteliers. | |||||
Admin has control over portal and he can easily update it. | |||||
Attractive look-and-feel of your reservation panel. | |||||
Create your own pricing using our very flexible price list models? That allows you all kinds of different prices. |